At the February 19, 2019 Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) meeting, Dr. Abbey Tyrna will present a program on the Red Tide. Dr. Tyrna is the Water Resources Extension Agent for University of Florida IFAS Extension in Sarasota County. Abbey received a Ph.D. from Penn State University where she studied human influences on wetland hydrology and subsequent flow of ecosystems services such as water quality enhancements.
As the Water Resources Extension Agent, Dr. Tyrna creates educational classes, volunteer opportunities, and citizen science programs related to local water resources issues such as: stormwater pond management, microplastic pollution, nitrogen stewardship, drinking water quality and water conservation.
In her presentation on February 19, 2019 Dr. Tyrna will include a broad overview of exactly what is RedTide, how it initiates, leading theories regarding initiation, nutrients used throughout the bloom stages from off shore to near shore, the portion of those nutrients that are contributable by humans, and what we cando about our contributable portion. The public is invited to this event.