Jamie Wolfe in firefighter outpit, holding an ax

My name is Jammie Wolfe, and I am a firefighter with the Englewood Fire Department. I have enjoyed serving on the line with Englewood for the past two years. Before joining EFD, I spent ten years at Nokomis Fire Department, where I advanced to the rank of battalion chief.

In addition to my role as a firefighter, I am also an instructor at the Englewood Fire Training Center, a position I've held for the last seven years. It is rewarding to watch students arrive on their first day, knowing that one day I may be responding to calls alongside them.

Throughout my 12-year career, I have dedicated myself to finding the path I want to pursue. I have taken multiple technical classes to become as valuable an asset as possible on calls. Some of the significant classes I’ve completed include heavy vehicle rescue, hazmat technician, and rope operations. Additionally, I participated in an intense 24-hour class called One Bad Tour, which has limited breaks. I also tried out for the Florida Smoke Divers course. Although I have not yet received the titles for these, I am determined to earn them through hard work and perseverance.

Outside of the fire service, I am the proud mother of a joyful and energetic three-year-old son. On my days off, I try to spend as much time as possible with him and my husband, going on as many adventures as we can.

Before my career in the fire service, I was in the Army National Guard, which helped ease my transition into this profession. From day one, I aimed to be part of something larger than myself, and this career has allowed me to serve a community I have seen grow over the years, alongside the best brothers and sisters in the fire service.

A quote from my older sister has always resonated with me throughout my journey: “Dreams can often become challenging, but challenges are what we live for.” From my early days in rodeo to becoming a firefighter and a mother, I remind myself daily of this quote. No matter what challenges lie ahead, I will work tirelessly until I achieve my goals.

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