If you are a basketball fan, you are looking forward to March Madness. Other important dates are World Hearing Day, March 3rd, and World Sleep Day before the Vernal Equinox on March 20th since we obtain an extra hour of sleep that day. For the foodies, with have National Banana Cream Pie Day and National Pancake Day. Whatever you enjoy celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful month in March.
BPWEV is going to have our regular meeting at Artur’s located at 70 N. Indiana Ave., in Englewood. on March 18th in the Wine Room. We will follow the same format. You will order off a pre-selected menu, and if you decide you want dessert, which will be an extra charge but included in the overall price. I would appreciate it if everyone responded to the Newsletter at BPWEV and register themselves either as a member or a guest. This allows the restaurant to plan accordingly.
The Board decided that we will have our Networking event on Tuesday, Aprill 22nd at 5:30 PM at Artur’s restaurant, probably in the party area. We will be inviting as many guests as possible to find out what Business Professional Women of Englewood and Venice entails. The fare will be appetizers and soft drinks. maybe a light dessert as well.
This is a critical time in our organization since April we are usually installing officers for our next fiscal year. Because we do not have a slate of officer since the same people are always stepping- up, we decided to try a “Hail Mary,” to see if we can attract some new members to the organization. If you are interested in serving in a position- 2nd Vice President(membership), Treasurer, Scholarship Chair, or on a committee, please call or email me. We have some new members- Kim Storie and Meggen Urka. Congratulations and welcome.
Thankfully Submitted,
Sue Hogrefe, President of BPWEV
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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