Happy September to all. After a very wet August, we are hoping for some dryer and cooler days ahead. Hopefully, everyone survived without too much flooding.

A special thank you for Tina Beer from the League of Women Voters of Sarasota County for the educating our members and guest on the six amendments, which will be on the ballot in November. It is not just women’s rights that is on the ballot, but some personal rights that will affect your pocket- book next year. The increase in the homestead exemption to name a few.

We are preparing for the Wine Tasting Fundraiser to be held at the Rumours Wine Bar in Englewood, FL on October 25th from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Tickets are $40 before the event and $45 at the door. There are sponsor opportunities for our members, business partners, and possibly your neighbors and friends. The Diamond Sponsor is $500.00 with (4) free tickets to the event, BPWEV website promotion, recognition at the event. The Platinum Sponsor for $250.00 receives (2) free tickets to the event, BPWEV website and recognition at the event. The Gold Sponsor receives (1) free ticket to the event, recognition on BPWEV website and at the event. The Silver Sponsor for $75.00 includes recognition on BPWEV website and recognition at the event. If you cannot provide a sponsorship, we are in need of gift baskets. A theme such as coffee, beach fun, or entertainment at home would be terrific.

Our September 17th meeting will be an evening meeting from 5:15 PM to 7:30 PM. Some our members who work remotely were not able to attend the luncheon meeting during the day. We are also discussing other fundraising events for our general fund. Bingo at a local restaurant or Visani’s in Port Charlotte for a night-out. If you have any ideas or suggestions, the Board welcomes your help.


Sue Hogrefe
President of BPWEV

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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