I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season. It is hard to believe that we are in the Year 2025. Our meeting for January will be Tuesday, January 21st after the Wine Tasting Fundraiser on Friday, January 17th.
If you have any other donations for the Wine-Tasting event, please contact Deb Straw or Irene Slattery. Irene will be putting the baskets together. If you can help in any way, such as check-in at the event, selling tickets for the wine-toss, running prizes to those who have won, this would be a tremendous help. Tickets are still available for $40.00 prior to the event. At the door, tickets are $45.00.
We have a speaker from Hospice for the January meeting. If anyone has some ideas for speakers for March and April, please let Cynthia Fredericks know.
The BPW/FL is providing some workshops to help our members and small business owners. The Media Magnet Workshop: Unleash your Brand’s Full Potential will be on Zoom on January 29th at 6 PM. The link to register is on the website, bpwfl.org. The presenter is Michelle Philips, a nationally recognized TV personality, bestselling author, and brand amplifier, for an exclusive workshop that reveals the secrets to boosting your visibility, building your authority and scaling your business.
In order to continue our local organization, we need more participation from our members. We need a member to step up to the Secretary role. Teresa Karaffa made the job easy by providing a template for the Board minutes and our monthly meetings. If you have an interest in helping the organization, please let me or any member of the Board know.
I wish everyone a Healthy, Happy and Hurricane-Free New Year,
Your BPWEV President,
Sue Hogrefe
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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