It has been a topsy turvy summer with all the hurricanes we experienced this year. Hopefully, any of our members affected have been able to have repairs completed and can experience the holidays in their homes.
It is an Election Year so please remember to vote. I feel this is an especially important year with the two candidates having different visions going forward for our Country. A woman running for president makes me realize that little girls growing up in America can aspire to the highest office in the land. That is something we promote at BPWEV- education, leadership, networking, and professionalism.
Our major fundraiser this year, the Wine Tasting, has been postponed and rescheduled for Friday, January 10, 2025, to be held at the Rumours Wine Bar in Englewood, Florida from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM. If you have not purchased your ticket, you can go on the website. If you have a gift basket, gift cards, or sponsorships, please contact Deb Straw so that we can add your contact information to our banner and give credit on the BPWEV website.
We are back to meeting at the Plantation Golf and Country Club for the November 19th meeting. I am sorry to report that Teresa Karaffa is moving to Arizona to retire there with her husband. The Board and I want to thank Teresa for taking on the role of secretary with such grace. We will all miss her greatly but wish her much happiness in her new home. If you are interested in taking on the secretary job for BPWEV, please call or email me. All help is always welcome.
Since November is a time to give thanks to our family and friends for being there when we have hurricanes, health issues, or just need support for our daily living, make sure you spread the bounty because we all can use it this year.
Sue Hogrefe
Your President of BPWEV
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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