I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For our November meeting we went around the table and asked everyone, “what they were thankful for.” Most of the responses were family, friends, health or surviving three hurricanes this year. Thanks to Heather Dempsey for providing information about her Self-Care Center in Venice. Many of us could identify with her journey.

For our December meeting we are having our Holiday party. We will not have a speaker. I have attached a list of items for the Jubilee Center in Englewood that Cyndy provided for many people still in need after the hurricanes. We will have an ornament exchange for those that want to take part. Members can invite a guest or a significant other. Please register the guest on the website and pre-pay so we have an accurate count for the Plantation.

Our LO is in need of a secretary since Teresa Karaffa moved to Arizona. If you are interested in serving, please let me know or a member of the Board so that we can place your name in for nomination at our January meeting. If you are a new member, that is not a problem, we will help you in this role.

There is a meeting to be held at the Rumours Wine Bar at 4:30 PM on December 4th for all members to finalize details for the major fundraising event, the Wine Tasting. The date is January 17th from 5:30 PM to 8 PM at Rumours Wine Bar. We need our members that are attending to purchase tickets. If you have any donations for this event, please bring them to the meeting. For the Wine Tasting fundraiser, we will need all members participation to make this event a success.

Need List for the Jubilee Center:

Cases of water, any kind of meat or poultry, instant potatoes, (4 oz packet or boxes), canned fruit, fruit cup, canned chicken – 10oz, spaghetti sauce, cereal (12 or 16 oz boxes), spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, bug spray, sunscreen, toilet paper.

I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and a Prosperous, Safe New Year.


Sue Hogrefe
Your President of BPWEV

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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