Nicole Britton, Director of Development for TWIGS, provides strategic leadership for the organization’s fundraising and community efforts. TWIGS is an acronym for “The Way To Inspire & Give”. This organization was established to raise awareness in the community about the needs of children in foster care. Please visit their website https://www.thetwigcares.com and go to WISH LIST to find out what you can donate to this organization to make the lives of foster children in our community a happier and more more loving experience.
The Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) have invited Ms. Britton to be the speaker at their April 16, 2019 dinner meeting to be held at the Left Coast Seafood Restaurant in Venice. The public is invited to attend this meeting. For information go to: www.bpwev.org The BPWEV Mission is to: “Achieve equity for all women through Advocacy, Education and Information”.