By Esther Bird

What a great meeting held on March 15 at Café Venice. Delicious food and lots of excitement were both on the menu for the attendees. Several guests have decided to join our organization, and that’s wonderful news! Welcome to each of you.

We will hold our April 19 meeting at Café Venice. Reservations are required and each person will order from the menu and be responsible for their check. Go to now to reserve your spot.

As a progressive thinker and woman’s libber (sort of) I can’t help but reflect back on the many ways that women have gained more rights throughout the years. I can recall when women could not have credit, could not buy property (without a man’s signature), could do nothing legally if their husband beat them (it was not illegal to rape and/or beat your wife), and the fact that any woman who spoke out for women’s rights was considered to be a troublemaker. “Burn your bra” was a slogan used representing the freedom women wanted in their lives. And many, both men and women, looked upon these so-called rebels as “wacky” or “out of control”.

Well ladies, please remember that “Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History” and it’s absolutely fine to speak up, give your opinion and discuss the rights for women in our country and around the world.

One more thing to remember, “silence is agreement” and if we don’t stand up for women’s rights, who will? The answer to that question is “NO ONE”.

I encourage you to be strong, be determined, and speak up about what you believe in.

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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