President’s Report – January 2022

Welcome to the New Year 2022. It’s my hope your holiday season was enjoyable and that the new year brings you good health, peace and happiness.

Each of you should have received the most recent edition of the Florida Business Woman magazine recently. I found the article “BPW: A Long History of Public Policy Advocacy” on page 8 most interesting. If you have not read this article, please take a few minutes to read this. It was written by Kristin Smith, BPWF Public Policy Chair.

In reading what Kristin wrote about BPW, I felt immense pride in this wonderful organization. To read in detail about the various worthwhile things our members fought to protect the rights of all women clearly details why we should all feel pride to be a member. Things like the Equal Rights Amendment in 1937, the Equal Pay Act was introduced in 1945 and finally signed by President Kennedy in 1963, and the Jury Duty Bill passed after years of struggle in 1967.

Our public policy has not recently changed. Our platform has five key items:

1. Equality for all;      2. Economic equity, opportunity and self-sufficiency;      3. Safe workplace; 4. Health care;      and 5. Environment. To learn more about the platform, check out the information at

I hope you take time to learn about this wonderful women’s organization and that you also feel pride to be a member.

Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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