Spring is here. A time for new beginnings. I am excited about beginning my term as BPWEV President. First, I must acknowledge the amazing job my predecessor did. She stepped up when she needed to fill that role and has done an amazing job. Thank you, Esther, for your service.

Our new board held our first meeting on May 22. It was a good, productive meeting. The board made the decision to join the Englewood Chamber at the non-profit rate for 1 year as a trial to see what benefit we could gain. We will look at potentially joining the Venice chamber in the future as well.

Because we have not filled our 1st VP position, we are looking for a committee to do programs, but until that happens, we will be asking for help from all of you to identify potential speakers and/or programs. Our fundraising last year was very successful and because of that, we can present 4 scholarships this year.

I am pleased to report that we have met with Plantation and will be signing a 1-year contract, so we will be keeping our current meeting location. I will be attending the annual conference in June, and I look forward sharing what I learn with all of you. Here’s to a great year!


Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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