By Esther Bird
Our next meeting will be October 18 and we will be celebrating National Business Women's Week®. NBWW is celebrated every year during the third week of October. It provides a valuable opportunity to recognize and honor working women, and employers who support working women and their families.
As a special tribute to NBWW, members who wish to dress up/portray a strong influential women may do so. During the evening they will be given the opportunity to explain who they are representing and to provide some information about the contributions of that women and what she accomplished.
The observance focuses on the accomplishments of women in business. It also takes a look at the past and how far women in business have come and how far they have yet to go.
Since its creation in 1928, the NBWW has been sponsored by Business and Professional Women to recognize and honor the achievements of working women throughout history. BPW members and BPW Foundation call attention to the leadership of working women and local women entrepreneurs, facilitate discussions on the needs of working women, share information about successful workplace policies and raise awareness of resources available for women in their communities. NBWW is celebrated by BPW Local Organizations and their local communities across the country.
Additionally at the October meeting, the Women of the Year will be honored. All members participate in the selection of this honoree.
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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