The Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) are pleased to announce that they are offering 4 Adult Learner Scholarships in 2021. The four scholarships available are $1,000.00 each.
Female applicants must reside in either Sarasota or Charlotte County. Adult Learners are those women pursuing advanced education or retraining in college or vocational schools. BPWEV applications, instructions and contact information are accessible at
The deadline for submission of the application is April 30, 2021. BPWEV is engaged in the national program “Joining Forces with Women Veterans and Military Spouses”. The program provides resources and online connections to veterans and military wives to assist in their successfully obtaining meaningful employment and a career or their interest. BPWEV encourages Women Veterans and Military Spouses to apply.
BPWEV has been a leading advocate in promoting education and equity for women. Englewood BPW was charted in the early 1990’s and since then has each year offered scholarships to help women advance their education.
As the chair of the BPWEV Scholarship Committee for the last 10 years, I would like to announce that Katie Malloy and Natalie Bloom have volunteered to assume the responsibilities scholarship chair. Other committee members are Carol Kouba and Esther Bird. I will also remain on the committee.
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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