2019 scholarship recipients
l to r: Esther Bird - Scholarship Committee, Allison Hinshaw, Christine Pomerleau, Oksana Zimin, Stacey Chaisson - Scholarship recipients, Katie Malloy, Natalie Bloom, Carol Kouba, Karin Drury, Scholarship Committee

Four lucky ladies were awarded the Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) Christine Davis Memorial Adult Learner Scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 each this year. They are Allison Hinshaw, Christine Pomerleau, Oksana Zimin,and Stacey Chaisson. Two are attending State College of Florida, two Florida International University. Their field of study varies from nursing, to early childhood education to school administration. Recipients have to either reside in Sarasota or Charlotte County. The BPWEV members worked hard raising the money for these scholarships through several fundraisers, the annual Wine tasting/Auction and a Hats off to Women Workshop being the most popular ones. BPWEV meet every third Tuesday of each month at the Left Coast Seafood Restaurant in Venice.

The public is invited to all meetings. The mission of BPWEV is: “To achieve equity for all women through Advocacy, Education and Information."

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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