by Karin Drury

scholarship committee
l to r: Carol Kouba - Scholarship Committee, Esther Bird - Scholarship Committee, Dr. Karen Helmick - Scholarship Chair, Elizabeth Soto - Scholarship Recipient, Karin Drury - Scholarship Committee, Natalie Bloom - Scholarship Committee

The Business Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) awarded 4 Adult Learner Scholarships this year. Elizabeth Soto, one of the recipients, attended the June 15, 2021 BPWEV dinner meeting. Ms. Soto is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Social Psychology and is attending Walden University in an on-line program.The other 3 recipients of the Christine Davis Adult Learner Scholarships will be attending the July meeting. BPWEV meets every third Tuesday of each month at Plantation Golf and Country Club. The public is invited to attend all meetings.

For information and dinner reservations visit:

The organization believes strongly in Women Helping Women and awards each year Adult Learner Scholarships to women in Sarasota and Charlotte County.

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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