scholarship graduation

The Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) are offering Adult Learner Scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 each for the 2021-2022 academic years.! Female applicants should be from the Englewood/Venice area, residing either in Sarasota or Charlotte County. Adult Learners are those women pursuing advanced education or retraining in college or vocational schools. BPWEV scholarship applications and instructions and contact information are accessible online at

BPWEV also is engaged in the national program “Joining Forces with Women Veterans and Military Spouses”. The program provides resources and online connections to the veterans and military wives to assist in their successfully obtaining meaningful employment and a career of their interest. BPWEV encourages Women Veterans and Military Spouses to apply.

The deadline for mailing applications is June 30, 2021.

Please review the Scholarship Information, and follow the directions for submitting your application:

2021 Scholarship Information

2021 Scholarship Application

Members of the BPWEV Scholarship Committee. L to R: Natalie Bloom, Carol Kouba, Karin Drury, Esther Bird, Samira Easton
scholarship committee 2021 2022

Carol and her cookies resized
BPW member Carol Degulis is known throughout her community as the Queen of Baking. Her love for cooking and baking began when her mother taught her the basics as a young girl.
Carol is offering her baking skills to our organization in an effort to help raise money for scholarships.
Each month she will take orders for homemade Italian cookies. All of the ingredients will be donated and 100% of the profits will go towards scholarships.
Along with the previous options for Biscotti, Amaretto and Pizzelle, two new cookies will be Pecan Sandies and Peanut Butter kisses.
The cost is $15.00 for approximately 1.5 lbs. A two day notice is required for all orders.   Order your holiday cookies early so you don't miss out on this great deal.  You can freeze any of these cookies. Carol can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BPWEV meets every third Tuesday of each month at the Plantation Golf and Country Club in Venice. The mission of BPWEV is “To achieve equity for all women through Advocacy, Education and Information." Nationally, BPW celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019.
Englewood BPW was chartered in 1960. The organization believes strongly in “Women Helping Women”. To achieve this, the group offers Adult Learner Scholarships to women who are returning to college or vocational schools to achieve higher education in order to provide better for their families.

wine tasting outside group 299

rumours owner 299Kudos also to owner of  Rumours- Dana Goodrich Kuhngift baskets at wine tastingGift Baskets raffled during Wine Tasting

The BPWEV wine tasting fundraiser was held on Friday, October 16 at Rumours.

Special thank you to our sponsors:

Michael Saunders & Company- Irene Slattery

Karla Olson and Associates LLC

Eyes on You- Joyce McCaffrey

Professional Travel Services-Morina Chmielak

Ann Wacholder, West Coast Realty of Venice

Re/Max Alliance Group -Barbara King

Tony and Carol Degulis

Food platters were donated by:
 BPWEV members.

Due to the generosity of those who attended, BPW raised enough funds to award scholarships in 2020.

A Special thanks goes out to our Co-Chairs: Moriina Chmielak and Joyce McGaffrey

The Business and Professional Women of Englewood and Venice (BPWEV) are offering Adult Learner Scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 each! Female applicants should be from the Englewood/Venice area, residing either in Sarasota or Charlotte County. Adult Lerners are those women pursuing advanced education or retraining in college or vocational schools. BPWEV scholarship applications and instructions and contact information are accessible online at

BPWEV also is engaged in the national program “Joining Forces with Women Veterans and Military Spouses”. The program provides resources and online connections to the veterans and military wives to assist in their successfully obtaining meaningful employment and a career of their interest. BPWEV encourages Women Veterans and Military Spouses to apply.

The deadline for mailing applications is June 30, 2021.

Syd Gibson, President

The celebratory month had its beginnings on February 28, 1909 as a socialist and labor movement in New York City. It honored the one year anniversary of the garment worker's strikes in New York that took place when thousands of women marched for economic rights through lower Manhattan to Union Square. Women's Day grew into an international observance spreading through Europe on the heels of socialism.

Women set about revising the school curriculum in Sonoma County, California to maintain balance on the contributions of women in America in the 1970's. A Women's History Week was created in 1978 around International Women's Day on March 8, 1975 marked by the United Nations.

Gerda Lerner chaired the Institute at the time of the conference at Sarah Lawrence College in 1979. Organizers lobbied Congress and President Jimmy Carter proclaimed the first national Women's History Week for March 2-8, 1980.

In 1987, congress passed a proclamation establishing Women's History Month. Now, Presidents pass annual proclamations announcing Women's History Month with a different theme each year.

For 2020, the theme is Valiant Women of the Vote. Let us all celebrate women who have fought for our right to vote.

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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