grocery bags

The generosity of our membership is amazing! At the November meeting you all opened your hearts and wallets and donated enough money to purchase all the shoes and clothing desired by the single moms for their children. Three children had their wish for a favorite toy fulfilled. Amazon Prime delivered them to our home in two days. All clothes and shoes were purchased at Walmart who honored out 501(c)(3) status and didn’t charge state sales tax.

On November 29,2018 I delivered the gift bags to the Salvation Army who will give them to the three families in time for Christmas. A $100.00 check will also be presented to the Englewood Helping Hands to purchase necessities for the food bank.

Thank you BPWEV members for another successful Women Helping Women project and your generosity.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Blessed Holidays to all of you.

Speakers at Hats Off to Women Workshop l to r: Esther Bird, Committee chairman; Dorothy Korszen; Mk Mueller; Cyndi Fredricks; Kairee Haley; Kathleen Houseweart
Speakers at Hats Off to Women Workshop l to r: Esther Bird, Committee chairman; Dorothy Korszen; Mk Mueller; Cyndi Fredricks; Kairee Haley; Kathleen Houseweart

Committee Chair, Esther Bird and speaker Mark Rizzo
Committee Chair, Esther Bird and speaker Mark Rizzo

On December 8th BPWEV held the HATS OFF TO WOMEN WORKSHOP at the Venice Area Chamber of Commerce.  The event was very successful and I send a HUGE thank you to our six wonderful speakers:

Communicating with Confidence - Dorothy Korszen
Preventing Scams and Identity Theft - Mark Rizzo
Normal Memory & Aging - Kathleen Houseweart
Dealing with Challenging People - MK Mueller
Self Defense for Women - Kairee Haley
Promoting Equal Rights, Equal Pay and Equal Opportunity - Cyndi Fredricks

Our sponsors were very supportive and appreciated:

Platinum - Gold Rush BBQ, Mason Knows Mortgages, and Anonymous.
Gold sponsors - Farr Law Firm, Centennial Bank, and Morina Chmielak, Professional Travel Services.
Silver sponsors - Brookdale Senior Living and Celestial Massage and Wellness Center.

A special thank you to Natalie Bloom, Debbie Straw, Alyssa Case, Jennifer Fagenbaum, and my last minute recruit, Cyndi Fredricks. And, several other members volunteered at the event to help, and I want to recognize and express my appreciation for their help.

We worked very hard to make this a successful event. Everyone who attended had a good time, learned a great deal, and felt recharged and motivated by the valuable information they obtained from the presentations.

kathy castellano holding plaqueLongtime Business and Professional Women of Englewood (BPWEV) member, Kathy Castellano, spoke from her heart as she educated the members and guests about a disease commonly called “Wobbly Feet Syndrome”. Her grandson, Connor, was diagnosed with Ataxia Telangiectasia at about age 3. Since that time the Dzembo and Castellano families have worked endlessly to help fund research for this rare disease. Many fundraisers, supported by local communities, have helped fund encouraging research at several universities. Clinical trials were approved and Conner, 12 years old now, was selected as one of the patients.

Karin M. Drury

The Holiday Season is approaching rapidly, stores are more crowded and the traffic is increasing. So is the urgency to help the single mothers in our community that are struggling to provide basic needs for their families.

As in the past BPWEV will help several families with clothing and food donations for Christmas. The Salvation Army in Venice will provide us again with the first names of 3 single mothers and the wish list for their children. After shopping for the items needed the funds left will be donated to Englewood Helping Hand, Inc. to buy food for their pantry.

For many years our Women Helping Women Project has been BPWEV’s special endeavor for the Holiday Season to help disadvantaged single mothers in our community. Please help us to continue this tradition. At the November and December
Meeting I will pass an envelope around for your donations. If you wish to pay by check, please make it out to Karin Drury but add in the memofield Donation to BPWEV/WHW project.

Your help will brighten the Holidays for many families!

Thank you for your generosity!

Please join us Thursday, November 8th at Kumo Japanese Steak House 1657 US Highway 41 Bypass 41 in Venice for dinner 6 pm. BPWEV will receive 15% with average meal price of $20. Enjoy a great meal with great company to benefit BPWEV. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Reservation deadline is November 4th at 5 pm.

Click Here to RSVP

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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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