Cynthia Fredricks, Public Policy Chair
The Winter 2019 edition of The Florida Business Woman Public Policy Committee report included ERA Talking Points. The article talked about why we need the ERA. Listed below are just some of the points covered.
Without the ERA, the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly guarantee that the rights it protects are held equally by all citizens without regard to sex.
The ERA would provide a clearer judicial standard for deciding cases of sex discrimination. Not every state in the U.S. has ratified the ERA and therefore, federal and state courts are inconsistent in their rulings regarding claims of sexual discrimination.
The ERA would provide a strong legal defense against a rollback of the significant advances in women's rights that have been achieved since the mid-20th century.
The ERA would improve the United States standing in the world community with respect to human rights. The governing documents of many other countries affirm legal gender equality, however imperfect the global implementation of that ideal may be.
For more information, visit the Alice Paul Institute at
"Jewels of Business" Women's Workshop
(An Individual Development Workshop)
By Esther Bird
The December 5th "Jewels of Business" workshop will be fantastic and I know you will be sad if you have to miss that event. So please reserve your place now since seating is limited.
The event begins with registration and breakfast at 8:30. Program starts as 9:00 am with three morning speakers. Lunch will be served, great food all prepared by the chefs at Plantation Gold and Country Club. The afternoon will feature three more speakers who will amaze you with their knowledge and presentation skills. Additionally, refreshments will be served mid-afternoon. Beautiful raffle baskets will be available and chance tickets sold.
I encourage you to invite your friends, co-workers and neighbors to attend with you. I can assure you, it will be a great day. The cost, if only $30, quite a bargain for such a spectacular event.
We have several event sponsors but would love to have more. If you are interested, let one of the committee members know.
The speakers and topics are as follows:
Spiritual Health M.K. Mueller
How to Stay Safe Online Mark Rizzo
Secrets to Aging With Good Health Bill Mechling
Dealing with Personal Challenges Dr Christopher Cortman
Cosmetic Options for Women Dr Karen Helmick
Managing a Very Busy Life Cyndi Fredricks
We ask that all members support this event by their attendance and by inviting friends to attend. Tickets are only $30.
Use the link below to use pay pal or credit
Debra Shaw - 2nd BPWEV Vice President, Dr. Karen Helmick, Sue Hofgrefe, Carol DeGulis - new BPWEV Members
Three new members, Dr. Karen Helmick, Sue Hofgrefe and Carol DeGulis are new members of the Business and Professional Women/Englewood and Venice (BPWEV).
They were inducted into the organization at the January 21, 2020 dinner meeting by 2nd Vice President Debra Straw in a traditional ceremony and received a warm welcome by the membership.
BPWEV meets every third Tuesday of each month at the Plantation Golf and Country Club. The mission of BPWEV is: “To achieve equity for all women through ‘Advocacy, Education and Information”. BPW/USA celebrated its 100th anniversary last year, This organization believes strongly in “Women Helping Women”. BPWEV offers Adult Learner Scholarships to women who are returning to college or vocational schools to achieve higher education in order to provide better for their families. All BPWEV meetings are open to the public and guests are always welcome. For more information go to:
Syd Gibson, President
Heart Disease is the Number 1 cause of death in both men and women. A few suggestions to help lower your risk of heart disease can begin with watching your weight. Now, I do not mean getting on the scale and looking at your weight, saying something profound like, “Oh, really” and grabbing a bag of chips . Perhaps it would be better said to keep a healthy weight with a concerted effort to consume nutritional foods at every meal and eating popcorn seasoned with Rosemary instead of salt and drinking perhaps a glass of iced tea without sugar.
Do not smoke and stay away from secondhand smoke which can be just as bad for your health.
Control your cholesterol and your blood pressure by eating baked or broiled foods and avoiding trans fats. Eating raw vegetables on a salad with salad dressing such as oil and vinegar or consuming fresh fruits such as apples and bananas or berries which contain natural sugars or satisfy your sweet tooth or we have also been informed that dark chocolate is heart healthy when consumed in moderation.
If you drink alcohol, please drink in moderation. We need to keep in mind that red wine is on the list of foods that are heart healthy not totally depriving ourselves and only consuming water and a crust of whole grain bread.
Get active and stay active for a heart healthy February. Walk around the block or to the beach for a beautiful sunset 20 minutes a day. Getting outside and enjoying our lovely Florida weather walking, bicycling, playing tennis or running a marathon is a natural way to keep fit and stay healthy.
Karin Drury
Thank you to all our members and guests who attended the October and November BPWEV meetings. Your generosity provided me with $380.00 to buy clothes, shoes and one desired toy for three boys, ages 13, 8, and 4. Amazon helped me find the toys on line, the rest of the money was spent locally at TJ Max, Target, Bealls Outlet and Walmart.
The bags were delivered to the Salvation Army in Venice on 11/21/19. I send my gratitude and appreciation to all who helped make WHW a success again this year. Three boys will have an amazing Christmas thanks to you!
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
P.O. Box 611, Englewood, FL 34295
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