By Esther Bird
For BPW local organizations, it’s time for nominations, elections, and officer installation. Our election of officers and installation will be held at the April 18 dinner meeting. We begin the new fiscal year (May 1) with a new slate of officers – new leadership for our group. The new officers are all wonderful women and BPWEV members who have taken on the roles needed to run our organization and continue the work for us in the coming year.
It has been my honor to serve as your president and with mixed emotions I move on. I was blessed to serve with a very strong and hardworking executive committee. A special thanks to Sue Hogrefe, Deb Straw, Jodi Dazio and Cyndi Fredricks.
As revealed by the nominating committee, our President will be Cyndi Fredricks, 1st Vice President will be Kathi Obendorfer, 2nd Vice President Sus Hogrefe, Secretary Teresa Karaffa and Treasurer will be Kristina Bow.
I am writing this article the day of our Professional Women’s Workshop. The event was great and those who attended enjoyed all four speakers. Special thanks to Stephanie Marcusky for agreeing to chair this event. Great job, Stephanie!
The coming year we will be focusing on increasing our membership. I challenge each of you to invite friends to attend a meeting and encourage them to become members.
Although after the April meeting, I will not be standing behind the podium, but I will be there doing what I can to make BPWEV strong and successful. This is a fantastic organization and I am honored to have been a member for approximately 20 years.
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
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