Welcome to May! As we celebrate Mother’s Day on May 9, I think back on the many women who have made a difference in my life. Beginning with my beloved late mother, who taught me at a young age to be strong, independent and most important, thoughtful and caring. Arriving in the United States at the age of ten, from Cuba, I was fortunate to have wonderful, caring teachers who took the time to not only teach me the English language but also to do my best in all aspects of life.
I think of all of us at BPWEV, how we are a “sisterhood” of thoughtful, caring, strong, independent women. Our local organization continues to grow because our members feel appreciated and valued. What a wonderful concept in an organization! We care about one another, we encourage, support and practice all the valuable lessons we learned from our mothers, teachers and so many women who have made a difference in our lives.
Morina Chmielak
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Business & Professional Women of Englewood and Venice
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